Okay, so I am officially the WORST blogger ever. Don't say that I did not warn you. I was off to a great start, putting pictures up each week, writing funny things. Then nothing....crickets chirping.
But I am back! Things have been MASSIVELY busy in the Ford household. Cameron went to New Orleans last week to help teach a class about church planting at New Orleans Seminary. I really missed him, but he had an amazing time. I let him take our new digital camera to take pictures of the trip. He was so funny and took pictures of all his food, because he knows how much I love to cook. Him and his friend Thomas Busby ate a platter of crawfish....it looked so amazing. I used to be freaked out by those little things back in the day. Some of me still is. I think that it is because of all the tentacles that stick out everywhere. I mean, you are looking them in the eye as you break them open to eat their delicious body. A little creepy....
Work has been SLAMMING for me, we have hired a few new people so I have been helping to transition them into the office. I am really thankful for all the people I work with. They are all my family and I love them dearly. So many different personalities, I have never worked with so many creative people. It was Professional Admin week and everyone was so sweet to me. I got a beautiful basket of flowers and also a cool coffee mug. It is a picture of a hen sitting on eggs and says Mother on top of it. I think it is so awesome that they think of me as the Mother Hen. That makes me feel so wonderful. I want nothing more than all of them to feel comfortable and loved.
Cameron is delivering the message at church this Sunday. He has been so busy. I am proud of all the hard work that he is putting forth with learning about church planting. He really has embraced all the opportunities that our church has given him and has glorified God through it all. He is so faithful and a wonderful husband. It has been hard not seeing each other. You would think newlyweds have all the time in the world. But, with Cameron working nights and our weekly commitments we see each other about 2 nights a week. But, God is good. I know that he is really teaching Cameron and I right now.
Man, if I could share with you about God's provision. My family and I have been praying for help from the Lord for some financial difficulties. It was really coming down to the wire for these issues and once again God provided. He is so faithful and knows all of our needs. He touched my bosses hearts and really laid it on them to help my family. With that leading they decided to give me a raise to cover the additional costs that we were facing. Praise God! Cameron and I were so excited that we sent the picture above to my boss saying "Thank you"!
Love you all so much. Sorry for not being the blogger I should...I will work on it!