Sunday, March 30, 2008

Crowning Glory

I have to admit that I have done the most retarded thing ever. I actually "did" the deed about a month ago and now I am regretting it. I cut my hair. I had wanted to cut it before the wedding because it had been long for such a seemingly endless period of time. I was sick of having the lengthy hair, I thought that I would look more "edgy" with an updated do. I made the appointment with my stylist Tiffanie right away. Granted, she is an AMAZING stylist and has been doing my hair for years now. She always does what I want her to do, and I have found out that I am the problem when it comes my own hair. 

So here I am now, with a do-rag. Yes, a REAL do-rag, my husband's to be exact. (You might wonder what Cameron is doing with a do-rag, you will have to ask him about that one). I have to sleep in one every night because if I don't I look like Alfalfa from the Little Rascals. I have all of these cowlicks and they literally stand straight up after a full nights sleep on them. All the blow drying, hair straighting, pomade using, hairspray spraying, hair slicking in the world won't keep it down.
I have been lamenting to Cameron that I am so depressed at what I have done. I am reminded now that my Grandma Faye always said to me, "Don't cut that hair girl, its your crowning glory". And I also found that in the Bible it says the SAME THING... 1st Corinthians 11:15 "But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her."
So I am hoping that with God's help and my do-rag I can get my long hair back. The good news is I feel really tough with a do-rag.


chad said...

Are you talking about your current hair cut? Dang, that do rag does wonders....I never would have guessed!! Have you ever thought about shaving your head and starting fresh? It did wonders for Demi Moore, Sigorney Weaver and Mr. Clean.

Anonymous said...


norwilde said...

haha! i have the same problem, the cowlicks that is..

and actually, when i wake up in the morning, my hair pretty much looks as though I spent my night enduring various forms of electrocutionary torture.. this point in my life, i don't really mind it ;), and for what its worth, i still like your haircut!

Anonymous said...

Oh Melanie, my dear sister. You would still be beautiful even if you had corn rows. Your hair at your wedding was beautiful. When I saw the first pic of you and your new "do", it was at moms desk at school... I gasped. What had you done... But if it were evened out more in the front, it would be the exact hair cut I was wanting to get! Longer in the front and shorter in the back. I think it looks cool on you. Now that I have seen it on your for a while, I have gotten used to it. Your beautiful. Its the rag on your head that is making you feel stupid! Poor Cameron, he has to roll over at night and see that, instead of is wonderful wife!

saraiwithani said...

MELANIE!!! I just found your blog and I love it!! It's so full of fun and sweet and encouraging posts! You have such a beautiful heart, and I couldn't be more proud of the woman of God you've become!! Welcome to the blogging world!!!

(PS...check out my blog at

Anonymous said...

If you don't update your blog soon, I won't have any hair. Love, your wonderful Momsy

Anonymous said...

By the way, I can attest to the fact that you really DO wear a do-rag when you sleep, because you wore one at my house. Cameron really is a saint, you know. Also, I had this strange feeling you were going to break out into some hip-hop song at any given moment.
But your hair had no Alfalfa-like qualities the next morning...yer mom